Based on the results of your constitutional analysis, we tailor your Ayurveda cure at our hotel in Austria exactly to your needs. The relationship of the doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha is different for every person. During a professional type determination as part of our Ayurveda treatments in Austria, you will learn more about your constitution. Ayurveda assumes that 95 percent of all diseases have their origin in an imbalance of the three doshas. With Ayurvedic nutrition as part of our Ayurveda cures in Austria, you can bring them back to harmony and live life to the full. Our nutrition specialists will put together the ideal menu for you.
Our cuisine combines the teachings of Ayurveda with the principles of sustainability, regionality, and naturalness. For our Ayurveda cures in Austria, fresh organic products from Austria as well as local and traditional Indian herbs are prepared gently, with plenty of love, and according to proven recipes.
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